
Friday, March 29, 2013

Derp. What day is it?

I was planing to go to the 40K tournament in Kokomo this weekend.  Then I realized that tomorrow is the 30th not the 23rd.  Well, shucks.

Anyway, I've got two 1/144 B-2 Stealth Bombers in the mail that should arrive today.  Got them for like 13 bucks each of amazon.  I'm going to kit bash some Tau flyers that won't look embarrassing on the table top. I also just sent out an order for two Master Grade 1/100 GN-X kits (the model from my last post).  Further more, I traded some Black Reach Orks and Dark Age models to Sandwyrm for his used Tau stuff.

Probably buying at risk here since I haven't seen the codex.   But running stealth bombers and giant robots in my Tau is too cool to pass up.  I should have enough stuff horded away to be able to convert a competitive army so long as Vespids don't get super awesome or something.   Plus I'm sticking it to GW by not buying their poorly designed and over priced "official" models.  Still don't know what I'm going to do about the codex.  Have to figure out a way that gives GW the least amount of margin for the purchase.  Maybe I'll buy it from MiniWargaming.


  1. Well, I hope it goes better for you than when I bought a bunch of (the wrong) IG stuff before the last codex came out.

    "What? I need tanks now? Crap!"

    1. Luckily with tau, there aren't that many choices. Even with the new stuff. Needing more than one unit of Pathfinders or more than 0 Vespids are the only things that I'm not somwewhat hedged against.

    2. I don't think there's a new model for the Vespid troops, so you're probably safe there. Though the flyer may become a must-have.

      Can't wait to see how awful it looks...

    3. Well the pre-orders are up now. From more angles it doesn't look quite as bad. Some bits of it are still goofy. Defiantly not worth 65 bucks, it's like just about every model released in the last 6 monts; not bad, but not quite good either.

      The exception is the new battle suit commander. He looks pretty bad ass. Too bad he's 41 bucks and fine cast.

  2. I hear the vespids got better. Doesn't the white dwarf come out today?

    1. Tomorrow I think. There where many earlier rumors about big revisions to the Kroot and Vespid, but I think they may have been cut from the release. Like there was supposed to be a big Kroot Monstrous Creature and a vespid skimmer. The more recent stuff I've heard is that they are mostly just points adjusted.
