
Thursday, May 23, 2013

So 40K is a Lensman arms race now?

In case you haven't seen these yet, the new Eldar stuff.

And "Lensman Arms Race" for reference.

You have to wonder what ridiculous thing the next codex will get to trump the Wraithknight.  I wouldn't be surprised if Baneblades and Stompas became official 40K units.  Every army needs a $$$ kit apparently.

I actually quite like the new flyer.  The mini-titan is also acceptable.  And finnally plastic wraithgaurd.  It took them long enough.  Prices are still ridiculousness. Especially them changing Dire Avenger to be $35 for five models.  Good thing I already have 30.  Also very disappointed that the jetbikes are just a re-package.  That new sculpt exists, why can't we get it?

Moot issue anyway.  I'm not going to buy anything other than the codex.

1 comment:

  1. it IS an arms race. I thought you figured that out back with GK's coming out.

    GW: "ahh I see you already OWN most of this army from 8 years ago... BUT now you'll need Dreadknights AND Stormravens AND jokaero"

    (repeat for DE, Necron, Tau, and now, Eldar)

    being expected to drop $500 to update your army to the new codex, is the new black.

    but if you want allies, it's only $300
