Q: The Farseer Psychic Powers rules state that they do not require theRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eldar Psyker to have line of sight to the target. Does this mean that they
can be used by an Eldar psyker embarked on a Transport? (p28)
A: No.
Like Eldar really need another kick to the groin.
Q: If Seeker Missiles are fired at a Zooming Flyer or Swooping FlyingSo a 6+ marker-light followed by a 6+ seeker. Sigh.
Monstrous Creature, what To Hit roll do they require? (p31)
A: 6+
I don't know what to say really. I'm close to shelving 40K until I see a new Tau or Eldar codex. Tired of playing a game where the deck is stacked against me. I don't want to have to play allies or the flavor of the month army to have fun. It's bad game design when a faction cannot stand on it's own. It's bad product management to let parts of your line rot for 6 years at a time.